laugardagur, 28. mars 2015


Listahátíð í Reykjavík er árlegur viðburður sem leggur upp úr fjölbreytni og skapandi rými þar sem listirnar mætast. Hátíðin vinnur með og leiðir saman opinberar stofnanir og sjálfstæða hópa listamanna á öllum sviðum menningarlífsins, íslenska sem og erlenda, í hefðbundnum og óhefðbundum rýmum.

Sequences listahátíð

Sequences er alþjóðleg listahátíð þar sem sjónum er beint að myndlist sem líður í tíma, eins og myndbandalist og hljóðlist. Hátíðin fer fram víða um miðborg Reykjavíkur, bæði utandyra og á óhefðbundnum sýningarstöðum sem og á söfnum og galleríum.

Sequences is an independent biennial, established in Reykjavík in 2006. The aim of the ten-day festival is to produce and present progressive visual art with special focus on time-based mediums, such as performance, sonic works, video and public interventions. An offspring of the dynamic art scene that thrives in Reykjavik, Sequences is the first art festival in Iceland to focus on visual art alone. New artistic directors are hired to reshape each edition of Sequences according to their vision, making it unique and different every time.

Founding members are the Icelandic Art Center, the Living Art Museum, Dwarf Gallery, Kling & Bang gallery and Gallery Bananananas (the last one closed early 2007). Each institute has a representative on the board, but all the major venues and cultural institutions in the Greater-Reykjavík area have worked with the festival in one way or another. Over three hundred artists from around the world have participated in the festival. The first editions, 2006-8, were annual but in 2009 it was decided to slow the pace and hold the festival every other year. Sequences is funded with generous support of various domestic and foreign funds.

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